This is not what I signed up for…

How good are you at painting a ‘realistic’ picture of your workplace to prospective employees?

Or like many employers (especially business owners), are you guilty of over selling the job, which ultimately results in the inability to meet an employee’s expectations…

“We are the best employer in the whole world!”

Overselling and under-delivering is one of the leading causes for employees resigning or checking out within the probationary period. A lot of promises are made and expectations set throughout the recruitment process on both sides. But it doesn’t take long for an employee to experience what it’s really like to work for your organisation or team.

My approach has always been to paint a realistic picture of the job to candidates and to tell them what it’s really like to work for your organisation. If you suffer from a lack of systems and disorganisation, it’s better to be up front and tell them, as some people actually like that type of working environment. Don’t boast about your family friendly workplace if it’s expected that employees will work late a few nights a week and travel on weekends.

Be frank, and say it how it is. What have you got to lose? Losing a candidate is better than losing an employee…

Checking out, shortly after checking in

Of course employees are going to consider leaving or check out early if after starting the job, they discover it’s not what they signed up for. Or worse, they will emotionally check out and stay and wait it out until something better comes along…

Wondering how to tell if an employee has checked out during the probationary period? Contact us today!