Is psychometric testing just a waste of money?

We’re here to set the record straight!

After many years working with clients of all different shapes and sizes, we can share numerous success stories about how an organisation has managed to change their workplace culture by overhauling their recruitment and selection processes. Despite its proven success, many people are still skeptical about the validity of psychometric testing. To those of you who are sceptics, we’re about to introduce you to a world of measurable and objective data that will change the way you recruit forever. So, buckle up!

Psychometric testing isn’t the be all and end all of hiring, it simply complements the recruitment process by highlighting potential strengths and weaknesses that a candidate may not disclose during an interview. It is also a useful tool if the recruiter is having trouble choosing between two candidates and needs more information to guide the decision-making process.

Our team of accredited psychometric consultants are trained to interpret results in the context of the inherent requirements of the position.  What does this mean in a practical sense? Well, let’s say a candidate scores below average on numerical abilities but above average for verbal reasoning. If this candidate were being considered for the role of an Accountant, this would present a potential concern, however in the case of a Marketing role or a position where dealing with numbers and statistics is not really required, then numerical reasoning is much less important.

When performed correctly, psychometric testing will gauge the future performance of a candidate, improve employee retention and assist employers with making successful hiring decisions. In other words, it makes your life a heck of a lot easier! Psychometric testing allows recruiters to ask each candidate 240 questions in 20 minutes – that’s a lot of information! So much so, that you would otherwise never have time to ask a shortlist of candidates. Interviewing is an art and psychometric testing is the science.


Why is psychometric testing used in recruitment?

1. To reduce the risk of regrettable hires, and to know what you’re signing up for
2. To assist you to make meaningful comparisons between candidates
3. Reliability and validity are high (consistent results and fit for purpose)
4. Allows employers to customise the interview process to suit each individual and position description

What does it test for?

We need to match the assessment need with an appropriate assessment area.
Areas of testing include:

1. Personality types
2. Working style and preferences
3. Leadership style and abilities
4. Abilities, numerical, verbal, abstract (IQ)
5. Emotional Intelligence
6. Sales ability and style
7. Thinking style
8. Interpersonal style
9. Stress tolerance and coping skills

Personality Tests – What information do they give you?

1. Confirm or raise any ‘red flags’ of future behavioural issues.
2. Summarise candidate strengths and development needs.
3. What is the impact of English as a second language? Testing can tell you.
4. The older we are the slower we complete tests, but it does not mean that a seasoned veteran of even 35 years old cannot do the job.
5. Provides customised interview questions for the 2nd Interview linked to profile results (great risk management).
6. Provides specific areas to ask questions during reference checking.

What Personality Tests don’t tell us:

1. Honesty & Integrity
2. Personal values and beliefs
3. Work ethic
4. Mental Health issues
5. Motivation for the role
6. Professionalism and Maturity

Still not convinced? Don’t knock it ‘til you try it! Head to the ‘Our Services’ section on our website for more information.